Bhuvaneswari crackers app privacy policy URL (2023)

 Privacy Policy

Last updated: [25.05.2023]

We at Bhuvaneswari Crackers respect our users' right to privacy and are dedicated to keeping their personal information secure. This privacy statement describes the information we gather, use, disclose, and protect when you use our mobile application.

You consent to the collection and use of your information in accordance with this policy if you decide to use our mobile application. We utilise the personal information we gather to deliver and enhance our services. We won't use or disclose your information in any other way than what is stated in this privacy statement.

1. Information That We Gather:

1.1 Personal Data: We do not gather any data that can be used to directly identify you as an individual, such as your name, address, contact information, or email address. We regard your.

1.2 Non-Personal Information: When you use our mobile application, we may gather non-personal information about your device. This includes details on your device's model, its identifier, its IP address, your mobile operating system, the kind of mobile internet browsers you use, and other statistical data.

2. How We Make Use of Your Data

2.1 Personal Information: Since we do not gather personal information about you, we do not make use of or reveal any of it.

2.2 Non-Personal Information: We may use non-personal information to track and analyse usage patterns, identify trends, enhance our services, and for other statistical needs. We can improve the usability and user experience of our app by using this information to better understand user behaviour and preferences.

3. Data Security: We place a high priority on the security of your information and have taken the necessary precautions to protect it. Please be aware, nevertheless, that no technique of internet transmission or computer storage is 100 per cent secure. Although we cannot completely guarantee the security of your data, we do our best to keep it safe.

4. Third-Party Services: Our mobile application may link to websites or services operated by third parties. The privacy policies or content of these third-party websites are not our responsibility. Any time you use a service provided by a third party, we advise you to read the privacy rules of that service.

5. Children's Privacy: Minors under the age of 13 are not intended for our services. Children under 13 are not knowingly subject to our collection of personal information. Please get in touch with us if you're a parent or guardian and you know that your child has given us personal information so that we can take the necessary measures.

6. Changes to This Privacy Policy: From time to time, we may amend this privacy policy. As a result, we urge you to check this page frequently for updates. Any modifications will be communicated to you by posting the revised Privacy Policy on this page.

7. Contact Us: Please get in touch with us at [ ] if you have any questions or comments about our privacy policy. We appreciate your opinions, and we'll be glad to address any issues you may have.

You confirm that you have read, comprehended, and agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy by using our mobile application.


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